I'm Bryce Boepple, a bit about me:
I am a finance student and sponsored obstacle course racing athlete!
This is my personal landing page that contains any current projects I am working on, obstacle course races that I have or will attend and much more!
For business inquiries, please email bryce.christopher.boepple@gmail.com

Obstacle Course Racing
One of my recent passions has been obstacle course racing. To date I have participated in Obstacle course races in many states.

Student at NDSU
I study finance as an undergraduate student at North Dakota State University, and am involved on campus and in my community

Contact Me
Please feel free to contact
me on my social media links
or using the contact form.

I frequently publish articles on Medium.com, visit my profile here

I routinely update my blogger with fitness and race updates, as well as my goings ons day to day. Visit here
I enjoy volunteering within my communities, and to date I have volunteered at many places such as nursing homes, heritage centers doing translation work, and a food bank, where I packaged ready-made meals and canned goods for local families in need.
In the past, I have worked in the North Dakota Bakken oil fields doing chemical and sterilization work as a certified chemical applicator through North Dakota State University. In total, I have over 5 years’ experience in the bakken oil field doing chemical and sterilization work as a contractor for multiple oil and gas exploration companies.
In the future, I hope to give back to the communities that I am so thankful to have grown up in. I hope that I can find himself comfortable financially to provide opportunities for future ambitious students growing up within my communities. I wish to provide scholarships, and personal finance help in the future, to ensure that students start off on the right foot when starting their careers.
I've been playing guitar since I've been 13 years old. My interests musically span from ambient/dark/black metal all the way to bright, light hearted pop music. Musically, I enjoy creating pieces that contain big choirs, orchestrations and heavy guitar parts. When creating music I picture a whole canvas and am unsatisfied if I feel that there is more to my "musical canvas" that I could add so to speak. This approach allows me to create ambient backgrounds that support a driving guitar riff based song. In the future I hope to have enough funds to create my own personal studio to facilitate making music as my hobby. I've made several Youtube videos of my guitar playing that can be found here.
My guitar setup is currently as follows:
Jackson RR24, Ibanez Bass
Line 6 POD HD
Focusrite Solo
Reaper and a host of VST's
In the future I hope to pursue e-commerce and e-business with platforms such as Shopify to further my career and my entrepreneurial pursuits. My goal in life is to be in a position financially so that I can invest in the communities in the same way that successful people before me have, by offering scholarships to ambitious students, offering aid financially to those who need it, and to improve and strengthen the community by encouraging the resurgence of local public events for all ages.
I love working out because that simple process of setting goals, and then achieving them, wires one's brain to strive for achievement. Rewiring the brain in this way yields benefits across all facets of life as one learns that he or she is capable of achieving anything that one puts their mind to. More specifically, I love training for the obstacle course races that I participate in. I have detailed the benefits I think are to be gained by running obstacle course races in an article published on my personal linkedin page that can be found here - https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/my-first-spartan-race-why-i-think-obstacle-course-races-bryce-boepple/
The social aspect is another reason why I love fitness and working out. The overall fitness community is full of extremely driven individuals, who know that the key to success is setting goals, and striving tirelessly to achieve them. I try to surround myself with these individuals because by doing so, I am pushed to also be better.
Overall, fitness and working out is immensely important to me for many reasons, and the benefits I think a fitness lifestyle yields apply to all facets of my life.
I am very much a history buff, reading many books from periods spanning pre-history to the cold war. A passion of mine is European history. My two favorite periods to study are the Viking age and the World Wars. I enjoy discussing these topics with anyone that shares that interest in history and how the past shapes the future.
How I got started exercising:
I first began taking an interest in working out and improving my physique back in highschool. While I had always been into sports, other priorities took precedent in my high school years, and as a result I lived a more sedentary lifestyle. I was never super out of shape, but I was definitely squandering my athletic ability by never exercising. I decided to change this when a job of mine (working as a chemical applicator for the McKenzie County Grazing Association) contained work that demanded me to be physically strong, and able to endure long, hard labor days on a 4-wheeler. I was very dedicated right off the bat, fine tuning my diet and exercise routine, and being very strict. I progressed very quickly. I started the summer weighing only 135 lbs and started my senior year of high school weighing roughly 160. My quick progress drove me onto becoming even more dedicated.
Over time, as with all things, my interest waned. This waning of interest occurred around the same time I left my hometown to pursue a degree in finance at North Dakota State University in Fargo, North Dakota. While I maintained a decent diet and still exercised somewhat routinely, that dedication I had simply was not there.
However, this all changed when I found my passion for obstacle course racing. The hybrid approach to training required by obstacle course races such as Spartan races is extremely fun and inspiring. In the future, I hope to continue my obstacle course racing and training.
What I am currently doing
I have been researching the sport of cycling and deciding whether or not to jump into that sport. Now that I am more settled into my new apartment and moved in, I have been playing guitar. I recently finished setting up my mini studio and have been practicing again. Hoping to record some guitar as spare time permits!
I'm currently reading the last 100 or so pages of the first Lord of the Rings book and the Millionaire Mind. Wanting to have at least the LOTR book done before the summer is over. I've been thinking I need to get back on my language training. Have also been considering learning Spanish lately, as it would really help in business.
I've recently resolved to complete 100 burpees per day as a means to stay in shape during times that I don't have access to the gym as often.